Dementia Awareness Week: 19 – 25 May

Posted: by UAR News on 18/05/13

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Dementia Awareness Week: 19 – 25 May

Dementia Awareness Week: 19 – 25 May

This year’s Dementia Awareness Week is themed around talking, with the message that “Worrying changes nothing. Talking changes everything”.

UAR has updated our briefing on Alzheimer’s Disease to show how animal research is being used to improve medical treatments for these conditions in a rapidly-changing area of science. Animal research is used throughout research into Alzheimer’s Disease, from determining the underlying pathology and genetics of the disease, to developing promising new treatments. Please see our new webpage on Alzheimer’s Disease Information here:

You can also see some related science news on

Alzheimer’s blocked in mice by gene deletionBy deleting a gene associated with the formation of brain plaque-formation, scientists were able to significantly improve memory in Alzheimer’s model mice.

Mouse skin cells have been transformed directly into function brain cells, a method has potential as a therapeutic treatment for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Scientists have discovered a naturally occurring protein that improved the memory of animal test subjects, and could provide long-lasting protection against Alzheimer’s disease.

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Last edited: 29 July 2022 10:38

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