What can wild zebrafish tell us about keeping zebrafish in the lab?

Although zebrafish have been used in research for sixty years we can still learn about their preferences. Watching zebrafish in the wild and studying their ecology can help scientists do this. In this film we see zebrafish in their native environment in north India as well as in laboratory aquaria.


Video: Wild zebrafish in India: https://vimeo.com/200660695

Stevens CH et al. (2021). Enrichment for laboratory zebrafish—a review of the evidence and the challenges. Animals 11(3): 698. doi: 10.3390/ani11030698

Sundin, Morgan, Finnøen, Dey, Sarkar, Jutfelt. 2019. On the observation of wild zebrafish in India. Zebrafish Journal

Where the wild zebrafish are: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41684-020-00665-z

Zebrafish welfare: https://nc3rs.org.uk/3rs-resources/zebrafish-welfare


Last edited: 10 April 2024 11:24

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