Dr. Paul Foster, a Lecturer in Molecular Endocrinology at the University of Birmingham, is an experienced cancer researcher and pharmacologist with a strong interest in understanding how animals help advance medical research.
We really like his blog - The Ark Hive - which has an eclectic mix of subjects united by clarity of coverage. Subjects range from lengthening life-spans (of nematodes) to the West Nile virus.
For material like this:
'We'd all like to live longer. In fact some people believe, famously the gerontologist Aubrey de Grey from Cambridge University, that the first person to live a thousand years has already been born. But, despite these claims, at present, our understanding of the aging process remains in its infancy.'
we are very happy to award Paul with the status of being this Wednesday's winner.
Last edited: 6 April 2022 13:16