UK Bioscience Sector outlines principles for implementing new Directive

Posted: by on 2/07/10

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UK Bioscience Sector outlines principles for implementing new Directive

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uk–bioscience–sector–logos.jpgThe UK Bioscience Sector has produced a set of principles for the implementation and transposition of the revised EU Directive concerning the use of animals in research. The principles have been submitted to the Home Office and represent the views of 12 organisations from across the sector.

The revision of the old Directive (86/609) provides the opportunity to promote high-quality science, maintain high standards of animal welfare, increase public confidence, and ensure harmonisation across Europe. The sector was therefore keen to outline what it sees as being the key principles to be considered for transposition and implementation. The aim is to ensure that the implementation of the new Directive (8869/10) in the UK is carried out in such as way that the objectives of the revision are met.

The briefing can be downloaded from here.

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Last edited: 11 January 2022 09:54

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