UAR's new strategy

Posted: by UAR News on 21/12/18

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UAR's new strategy

Understanding Animal Research strategy 2019-2023

Our vision

A time when everyone understands the benefits that animal research brings to science and society.

Our mission

UAR: helping people understand why animals are used in scientific research

This strategy sets out how we will change perceptions about the benefits that animal research brings to science and society. It covers the period 2019 – 2023, though preparation will begin before and projects will continue after that time period, and relates principally to the UK and organisations with a considerable stake in UK bioscience.

We will do this through approaches which complement and support one another.


We will promote information and understanding about the use of animals in research by:

Engaging the public

Fostering greater understanding of the use of animals in scientific research by providing information for the public and facilitating dialogue

  • Engages new and diverse audiences through resonant messages on new and traditional media.
  • Works with groups and individuals that lead thinking in science, medicine and animal welfare, as a basis for a conversation with the wider public.
  • Encourages champions and advocates from within and beyond the life-science sector to share UAR’s messages proactively.
  • Listens and responds to public views on the use of animals in research to inform its messages, attitudes and approaches, so enabling it to support the life-science sector’s responsiveness to public perspectives.

Share ideas

Encouraging and supporting the scientific community to be open in explaining how and why animals are used in research

  • Is known as the principal source of expertise in communicating animal research issues to non-specialists, providing a co-ordinated and coherent public voice.
  • Is recognised as an initiator and leader in openness and transparency on the use of animals in research, building greater openness in the UK.
  • Is valued for providing a supportive service to members that recognises diverse organisational perspectives, and shares current thinking about communicating animal research.

Shape a supportive environment

Working for a supportive and open policy, regulatory and operating environment for the humane use of animals in scientific research

  • Fosters engagement between politicians and the animal research sector, with governments and potential leaders understanding the need for animal research and the UK’s leadership in both life-science research and laboratory animal welfare worldwide.
  • Identifies and addresses key emergent policy issues including Brexit, supply chain and resilience to antivivisection campaigns.
  • Strengthens relationships with UK government, UK and European policy organisations and key animal welfare groups, ensuring that our members’ voices are heard.

Understanding Animal Research Strategy 2019-2023


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Last edited: 9 April 2024 09:43

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