World-leading scientists will be sharing their knowledge and latest discoveries in pubs across London, Oxford and Cambridge from Tuesday 14th - Thursday 16th May. The Pint of Science festival aims to make science fun and accessible to everyone and to demystify what happens in the laboratories of the top UK scientists.
Festival organisers have said “We are bringing science out of labs, seminars, lecture halls or classrooms to a place where everyone feels comfortable voicing their opinion over a pint.”
With 45 events and 75 speakers across 15 pubs, there is an opportunity for everyone to find a subject that inspires them. The festival will highlight many topics that are of particular interest to the public – the brain, body & biotechnology. Many speakers will be known to the public from their appearance on the radio and television and therefore this will be an exciting opportunity for the audience to have direct interactions with scientists whom they may have enjoyed watching or listening to in the past. The festival is free to the public and the nights will also be jam-packed with fun myth-busting games with some nights even including musical performances from local performers.
Many of the researchers involved have either used, or used knowledge derived from animal experiments. Learn about some of the amazing science which is helping scientists understand how the brain and body is working.
For more information and free tickets visit
Last edited: 28 July 2022 08:43