New grants for science teachers

Posted: by on 25/05/10

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New grants for science teachers

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hands.jpgNo understanding of how science works is complete without some knowledge of the way we use research animals. But how is this emotive subject best approached in the classroom? To help answer this question, Understanding Animal Research is offering 12 CPD grants of £400 each for secondary school science teachers to collaborate on a key stage 4 resource development project for science.

Successful applicants will attend a three-day, expenses-paid residential workshop at the National Science Learning Centre in York from 3-5  August 2010. The workshops will explore the important and challenging subject of animal research, its contribution to our understanding of human and animal biology and the ethical and moral questions it raises for society as a whole. With support from experts in the field of animal research, they will work together to develop the teaching modules to provide a complete picture of the science and ethics of animal research, its advantages, opportunities and limitations.

All secondary school teachers of science in the UK are eligible to apply for the grants by sending a CV and a brief statement explaining why they are interested in taking part in the workshops to John Meredith at Applications should be received no later than 30 June 2010.

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Last edited: 11 January 2022 09:44

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