New European law marks dawn of a new era

Posted: by on 26/11/10

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flags.jpgThe new European Directive 2010/63/EU on animal experimentation has been finalised. It replaces the old 1986 Directive EU 86/609. It came into force across the EU earlier this month, allowing Member States two years to transpose it into their national systems of legislation, a process which has already started in the UK.

Full implementation of the Directive happens in January 2013. The new Directive aims to harmonise animal research legislation across the EU, strengthen the protection of animals used in scientific procedures, and promote ways to improve animal welfare, develop alternatives and generally reduce reliance on animals in research.

A public consultation will be carried out by the UK Home Office starting in early 2011. The bioscience sector will be working to promote good science, animal welfare and the 3Rs in this process.

We have updated our guide for institutions on the new Directive and the section of the website on the Directive.

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Last edited: 11 January 2022 10:29

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