Be a Wednesday Winner #WW

Posted: by on 1/04/11

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Be a Wednesday Winner #WW

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globe–wednesday–winner.jpgBe a Wednesday Winner #WW

We are starting our very own webby awards, which we are calling Wednesday Winners (#WW). On the first Wednesday of every month, we will announce our favourite website or blog of the month. On the third Wednesday of every month, we will announce our favourite communicator of the month.

The only criterion for nominations and entries is that they are animal-research related and 100% genuine - time-wasters, trolls and trojans will not be tolerated. We invite you to send your nominations by responding to this blog or sending messages using our social media.

Websites and blog winners may be whole or significant parts of website and blogs. Our communicator of the month may be a schools' volunteer, a journalist, a science centre demonstrator, a video maker, etc. All must say something interesting about an aspect of animal research, in an engaging way.

There are no rules, no prizes, just kudos. The judges will be the staff of Understanding Animal Research and their decisions, however arbitrary, are final.

Submit your suggestions now - our first Wednesday Winner will be announced 6 April.

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Last edited: 11 January 2022 13:04

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