Agreement on European regulation

Posted: by on 8/04/10

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Agreement on European regulation

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eu–flags.jpgThe European Parliament and Council representatives have reached an agreement on the final details of the revisions made to Directive 86/609/EEC on animal experimentation. The announcement on Wednesday was the first since trilogue discussions began six months ago (involving the Presidency, the Commission, and the European Parliament).

Since the European Commission published a proposal for a new Directive to replace 86/609/EEC in 2008, there has been much debate over what the new Directive should contain. The agreement at trilogue level is a sign that these lengthy discussions are coming to an end and that the Directive is moving ever closer to implementation.

As a result of this announcement Member States will now be looking to prepare for implementation, which is expected by January 2013. Elisabeth Jeggle, Chair of negotiations, will present the details of the agreement to the EP Agriculture Committee on 12 April. After this formal submission Parliament will take a final vote (expected in May) before the draft text overcomes the final hurdle and becomes law.

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Last edited: 11 January 2022 09:44

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