Four animal laboratories open their digital doors to the public

Posted: by UAR News on 14/06/17

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Four animal laboratories open their digital doors to the public

Four animal laboratories open their digital doors to the public

  • Public can digitally explore UK animal research facilities
  • Universities of Bristol and Oxford, the MRC Harwell Institute and The Pirbright Institute all opened up their facilities to cameras
  • Can be found at

Four animal laboratories open their digital doors to the public: 360 'street view' - 60 scenes and 35 videos

Lab Animal Tour ( is a ‘street view’ into four animal research facilities in the UK. This digital tour allows users to move around four different facilities, providing the viewer with 360o vision of animal rooms and surgical suites.

You can look around each facility using a 360 photographic tour. Watch the videos to see technicians talking about how they look after their animals and to find out from scientists why animals are being used.

60 scenes containing 35 video clips of technicians and scientists

In our four tours you can you see surgery on a pig to test artificial blood vessels; cows being used to make new vaccines against foot-and-mouth disease; mice used in genetic research being transferred to clean cages and monkeys taking tests on computers.

These tours give substance to the ‘working scientifically’ component of the science curriculum and provide some examples that can support work from Key Stage 3 through A-level to undergraduate courses in the biological sciences.

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Last edited: 3 September 2024 16:30

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