BBC TV: Can you cure my cancer?

Posted: by UAR News on 12/02/15

BBC TV: Can you cure my cancer?

BBC Panormama programme features latest research including work with animals

Panorama reported on the cancer patients who are pioneering a new generation of drug treatments. Patients given just months to live are keeping the disease at bay for years; for some there is even talk of a cure. More than one in two of us will develop cancer, but huge advances in genetics are transforming our understanding of the disease and how to combat it. Panorama was given unprecedented access to trials at the Royal Marsden and Institute of Cancer Research and talked to patients old and young as well as their families and medical teams.

One part of the programme showed mice being used for paediatric oncology research, another used avatars to understand rare tumours. The programme made it clear that any one area of research doesn't always work and that many types of research are used to find treatments for cancers, including work on animals.

This programme will be available for 12 months on the BBC iplayer here:

Last edited: 10 March 2022 18:02

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